Mandelas Favorite Folktales – Thank You
Thank You

This benefit audiobook was made possible through the generosity of the performers, writers, artists, professionals, and companies who have graciously donated their time, talents, services, and resources. We are grateful to each listener for your support.
Artists for a New South Africa wishes to thank:
– Hachette Audio for a remarkably generous partnership.
– The gifted performers and professionals who generously donated their time and talents.
– The many companies and organizations that graciously contributed their expertise and services, including:
Bill Silva Management
Block-Korenbrot Public Relations
Heavy Entertainment
Jensen Communications
Lurssen Mastering
NB Publishers – Tafelberg
The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund
New Art Miami
Nutmeg Audio Post
Outloud Audio
Out of the Blue Films, Inc.
POP Sound
Radio Hill Recorders
South Africa Partners
Stereotype Design
The Village
W.W. Norton & Company
Executive Producers:
Sharon Gelman, Bradley Silver – Artists for a New South Africa
Anthony Goff, Kim Sayle – Hachette Audio
Producers: Sharon Gelman, Michele McGonigle, Alfre Woodard
Director: Alfre Woodard
Project Coordinators: Stella Santana, Blaire Molitor
Editing and Mixing: Michele McGonigle
Mastering: Gavin Lurssen with Reuben Cohen
Mastered at: Lurssen Mastering
Authors: Jack Cope, Alex D’Angelo, Dr. I.D. du Plessis, Pieter W. Grobbelaar, Jay Heale, Glaudien Kotze, Johanna Morule, Pastor Julius Oelke, Kasiya Makaka Phiri, Diana Pitcher, Marguerite Poland, Minnie Potsma, Linda Rode, Phyllis Savory, Hugh Tracey, Annari van der Merwe, Cicely van Straten, George Weideman
Recorded by: Dan Garcia, Scott Smith, Reuben Cohen, Tim West with Brett Rothfeld, Gabriel Leroux, Mark Kondracki, David Roper, Rob Corti, Tom Perkins
Recorded at: The Village, Radio Hill Recorders, POP Sound, Musicmax, Lurssen Mastering, Outloud Audio, Heavy Entertainment, NewArt Miami, Nutmeg Audio Post
Marketing and Publicity Manager: Megan Fitzpatrick
Creative Director: Susan Daulton
Package Design: Mike Joyce
Cover Illustration: Natalie Hinrichsen
Illustrators: Baba Afrika, Abdul Amien, Neels Britz, Nikolaas de Kat, Jean Fullalove, Lyn Gilbert, Diek Grobler, Piet Grobler, Jo Harvey, Marna Hattingh, Robert Hichens, Natalie Hinrichsen, Tamsin Hinrichsen, Veronique Tadjo, Geoffrey Walton, Judy Woodborne
Session Coordinators: Stella Santana, Jussie Smollett, Michele McGonigle, Lindsay Crook, Blaire Molitor, Gavin Lurrsen
Photography: Jussie Smollett, Ben Ostrower
Videography: Jussie Smollett, Patrick Crook with Aaron Biller, Barbara Rick and Jim Anderson, Jazz Smollett
Mastering of Download-only Tracks: Tommy Harron
PDF Production Coordinator: Amber Fairweather
Legal Counsel: Bradley Silver, Elise Solomon
Assistant to the Director: Kim Dunbar
Documentation Manager: Jussie Smollett
Promotion: Hachette Book Group; Jensen Communications; Block-Korenbrot Public Relations; Artists for a New South Africa; Stephen Rivers; Marlene Saritizky
Folktales Website Production & Design: Marcy Haggag, Matthew McLaughlin
Dialect Coach: Ron Kunene
Special Thanks:
David Young; Maja Thomas; Deirde Baule; Mitchell Kinzer; Tom Maciag; Tony Lutkus; Linda Duggins; Kerneels Breytenbach; Michelle Cooper; Drake McFeely; Felice Mello; Tony Adamoli; Fred Strawser; Bob Burke; Anika Ebrahim, Elmarie Stodart, and Eugene Ashton from Jonathan Ball Publishers; American Federation of Television and Recording Artists and Stefanie Taub; Sibongile Mkhable; Mpaki Pule; Oupa Ngwenya; Mary Tiseo; Marti Wilson-Taylor; Roderick Spencer; Gregory Robinson; Kitsaun King; Tina Morris; Jeff Greenberg; Douglas Clark; Davy Nougarede; Demetrio Bilbatua; Tony Spano; Raquel Bongiovanni; Bill Silva; Ryan Chisholm; Arrica Rose; Ashlee Irish; Ann Kingston; Colin O’Hara; Volney McFarlin; Jessica Hutchinson; Jon Leshay; Gabriel Jacobs; Melanie Parker; Niki Kazakos; Tanya Leal; Millie Chadbon; Shannon Schmitt; Tom Leonardis; Stephanie Davis; Marcel Pariseau; David Reyes; Fred Specktor; Leif Lillehaugen; Andrea Castro; Michelle Craigs; Michael Wilson; Alexandra DuCocq; Troy Warwell; and many, many more.
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