Mandelas Favorite Folktales – About The Audiobook
About The Audiobook
The Clever Snake Charmer
Spider and Crows
The Snake Chief
Central African Republic
The Guardian of the Pool
Democratic Republic of Congo
The Ring of The King
Fesito Goes To Market
The Lion, The Hare, and The Hyena
The Enchanting Song of the Magical Bird
The Mother Who Turned to Dust
The Message
Kings Lion Gifts
Mpipidi and The Motlopi Tree
Sakunaka, The Handsome Young Man, The Cat Who Came Indoors
South Africa
Asmodeus and The Bottler of Djinks
The Hare and The Tree Spirit
How Hlakayana Outwitted The Devil
The Mantis and The Moon
Sanni Langstand and The Visitor
The Sultans Daughter
Van Hunks and The Devil
The Wolfs Queen
Wolf and Jackal and The Barrel of Butter
Words As Sweet As Honey From Sankhambi
The Cloud Princess
Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales is a new audiobook for the whole family, which hits stores in early July.
Scroll over the map to find out where individual stories originated, and be sure to check out the bonus materials on the audiobook’s final CD for more information on the peoples who have passed them down for generations and those who heard them and wrote them down for this project.
This selection of Nelson Mandela’s favorite folktales from across the African continent is performed by a diverse group of acclaimed actors who have donated their time and talents to this effort to help children in South Africa orphaned and impacted by HIV/AIDS.

Artists for a New South Africa (ANSA) is a nonprofit organization working in South Africa and the U.S. to combat HIV/AIDS, assist children orphaned and impacted by the disease, educate and empower youth, advance human rights and democracy, and build bonds between our nations through the arts, culture, and the shared pursuit of social justice.
It Takes a Village is ANSA’s groundbreaking, collaborative program that provides comprehensive services to AIDS orphans and vulnerable children and strengthens the capacity of communities to respond effectively to the crisis in their midst.
Founded in 1989, ANSA makes a substantial difference by providing grants and resources to effective front line organizations and movements; developing innovative, collaborative programs; and raising public awareness and mobilizing strategic action through media campaigns and the arts.
2999 Overland Avenue Suite 102 Los Angeles, California USA 90064
The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (NMCF) was established in 1995 by former South African President Mandela, who was driven by his love for children and a desire to end their suffering. NMCF strives to change the way society treats children and youth by developing partnerships and programs that empower youth and improve their well-being; increasing the rights of children by influencing public policy and social awareness; assisting children and youth with disabilities to be integrated into mainstream society; providing skills-training to prepare children to eventually participate in the workforce; increasing leadership capacity, and promoting excellence among youth.
In response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, NMCF launched Goelama, which works to improve the wellbeing of orphans and vulnerable children through innovative community support and economic-strengthening strategies.
21 Eastwold Way, Saxonwold 2196 Johannesburg South Africa
89 South Street, Suite 701 Boston, Massachusetts USA 02111
Hachette Audio imprint, publisher of a variety of popular genres in audio form, matching Hachette Book Group material with talented actors, composers, and producers to find its fullest expression. Abridged, unabridged and original audio, including Grammy award-winning programs, are primarily based on books published by Grand Central Publishing and Little, Brown & Company. Programs are available on CD and as a digital download.
Also available from Hachette Audio: A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM, Nelson Mandela’s moving and exhilarating autobiography, read by actor Danny Glover, with an introduction by Kofi Annan.